commercial lending

Real time, accurate revenue & expense data for lending.

With Fuse, gain access to accurate, real time revenue and expense data using AI & bank data so you can trust the financial health of a business, shortening funding times & reducing fraud.

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the Problem

Commercial lenders today grapple with the inefficiencies of manually collecting and verifying business financial data, often relying heavily on traditional credit data that overlooks businesses with thin credit files or no credit history. This manual approach not only elevates operational costs but also detracts from a seamless customer experience.

The solution

Fuse helps commercial lenders gain access to real-time financial health of businesses such as revenue, expenses, ratios and trends so they can make more informed decisions, approve more applicants with thin credit files while reducing overall credit risks.

How it works.


Product & Benefits

Predict whose going out of business

Our platform analyzes expense data to forecast cashflow, helping you spot businesses facing financial troubles.

Unmatched classification of revenue & expenses

Streamline lending with intelligent categorization of revenue and expenses.

Wave goodbye to fraud

Transition to a digital platform and minimize the risks associated with paper-based financial records.

Real time financial information

See financial health in real time and quickly make informed risk decisions.

Lower costs by eliminating manual work

Automate the collection of financial details, optimizing team productivity and reducing expenses.

Unreconciled books? Not an issue

Forget about unreconciled books; our AI simplifies transaction labeling, ensures revenue and expenses are up-to-date.

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Want to see Fuse in action?

Schedule a short demo with our sales team to see Fuse in action and discover if Fuse is right for your business.